Top 10!!

Top 10!!

ViKi learnings

10 best emerging project management practices perfectly crafted for fabrication and heavy engineering industry. These 10 practices can be followed and implemented with immediate effect without any financial investment. All needed is a little change in the thought processes and daily routines. Also, an insight is given about what could be the KPIs of future Project Managers. Though the 10 practices are developed in the context of a heavy engineering fabrication environment, these practices can be followed and implemented across all the sectors and industries.

Kategorier: Utdanning

Hør på den siste episoden:

10 best emerging project management practices perfectly crafted for fabrication and heavy engineering industry. These 10 practices can be followed and implemented with immediate effect without any financial investment. All needed is a little change in the thought processes and daily routines. Also, an insight is given about what could be the KPIs of future Project Managers.

Though the 10 practices are developed in the context of a heavy engineering fabrication environment, these practices can be followed and implemented across all the sectors and industries.

Video is available on my YouTube Channel: "ViKi learnings"

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  • 1 - Top 10 !!  
    Wed, 17 Jun 2020
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