Rockabilly Worldwide Mashup

Rockabilly Worldwide Mashup


Host and Producer of all things rockabilly; musician and graffiti artist, avid motorcycle rider.

Kategorier: Musikk

Hør på den siste episoden:

NOT YOUR MOTHER'S ROCKABILLY...ONE HOUR OF THE MOST UNEXPECTED AND FUN BLEND OF OLD-TO-NEW ROCKABILLY, HILLBILLY, DIRTY-BILLY, BOOGIE-WOOGIE and SWING INFLUENCES OF ROCKABILLY...ALL THINGS "BILLY"! Tonight's show features music from The Detonators (Australia), The Starkweather Boys(Oklahoma), Dasta Gomes and the Smokin' Snakes (Brazil), The Hi-Tombs (The Netherlands), the Hi-Tones (Russia) and more.

Tidligere episoder

  • 3 - RBWWM 110 080717 
    Tue, 08 Aug 2017
  • 2 - Rockabilly Worldwide Mashup 102 
    Sun, 06 Aug 2017
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