Peaceful Piano

Peaceful Piano

Abby Wilson

Peaceful Piano offers gentle piano improvisation based on a theme. Every Monday or so, during the winter months. Episodes are less than 10 minutes and recorded in one take.

Kategorier: Musikk

Hør på den siste episoden:

In celebration of passing our 40th episode, this week is completely freeform piano improvisation with no theme. Pure exploration!

Got an idea for a future theme? Submit it here:

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Tidligere episoder

  • 44 - Freeform [41] 
    Thu, 26 Jan 2023
  • 43 - Resolution [40] 
    Tue, 17 Jan 2023
  • 42 - Solstice [39] 
    Tue, 20 Dec 2022
  • 41 - Snowfall [38] 
    Tue, 13 Dec 2022
  • 40 - Meno Mosso [37] 
    Tue, 06 Dec 2022
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